This morning I was thinking about
surveys and how answers are directed. It dawned on me that you are seldom
allowed to really give your true opinion. Most of the time these surveys are
set to only allow certain responses, then the corporation is allowed to say
things like, “Ninety-eight percent of Americans say…” Well, according to the
survey, what else were they allowed to say?
How can these surveys be correct?
How can we believe any of it? Most of the time there are no simple yes or no
answers and how often do you see “It depends” as one of the choices. For
instance, a question might be “What color is water?” The choices given could be
A. blue, B. green, C. clear. But, doesn’t it depend on how deep is the water,
where the water is, what the bottom is like or the amount of sun that shines on
the surface, tannins, etc. These types of questions force people to reply in
very limited terms.
For that matter, what color is
the sky? Doesn’t it depend on the weather? Is it day or night? Even choosing blue,
what shade of blue? Are there clouds? What kind of clouds? You might be asked
if you are for this or against that but you cannot ask for clarity and can only
answer to a set of parameters.
When I think about this, I
realize that all surveys are geared to only allow certain responses. We are
herded like sheep to think one way or another. They do not let people think for
themselves or come up with their own answers. If it’s not this, then there can
only be one or two other choices?
I refuse to participate in
surveys when I am told how to respond. Even these “Win a free” such and such by
answering a few questions is a way to channel thought. Maybe this is why even
as a student I preferred essay questions to multiple choice. I wanted to think
for myself. So often I see a list of questions and the answers allowed and my
first thought is “None of these answers fit.”
So, think about this the next
time you participate in a survey. Are you being asked for your honest opinion
or are you being “herded?”