Friday, December 14, 2012

Taking Chances

Photography is making me brave. When I stop to take photos, I am more daring than normal. I am fascinated by abandoned properties and while in normal situations, I would never dare trespass, I let my passion take me closer.

A couple days ago, I stopped across from an abandoned main street property. Earlier this summer, I'd stopped and took photos from the street, but this day, I let the intrigue draw me in. Passing traffic didn't bother me, nor did I worry that someone would come along and tell me to leave. I was so busy shooting that I went right up to the front door. I looked in windows and went around to the side of the house to look in an old cellar hole where I imagine the barn might have been. 

This isn't the first time I've done this. Yes, it does bother me. a little. I would prefer to get permission. I would love to get some history or hear a story about the place. On the other hand, I know I would never take the time to do the research nor would I dare to actually speak to the owner. My intent is to do no harm. I don't want to intrude or be rude, but I have to let the curiosity take my feet closer. I hope I am forgiven.

I love these photos I am taking. There's something about the decay, the peeling paint, crooked walls and caved in roofs. I am intrigued by the broken and dirty windows and what can be seen through the panes or capturing the reflections in the glass. 

It also saddens me that these places are left to ruin. I would love to know why. What happened? What story could these buildings tell?

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