Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 34, Saturday, February, 23, 2013, In Closing

 Freyja didn’t let me get much sleep. She was up on the bed every half hour, I swear. Guess she wanted to make sure I was still there. She just did something she’s never done; put her paw up on my shoulder. She really missed me. I missed her, too.

The amazing journey feels like it was all a dream. I’m back to reality. My To Do List this morning has 16 items on it. I’ve already got a load of laundry in the washer, I’ve cleaned the litter box, and threw out some bird seed onto the snow. The juncos were the first to find it.

It looks like I have two feet of snow out here. The walkways are bare in places and icy in others. I don’t know if I can fix it. I’m going to go out in a little while and try to get the branches out of the way and see if I can cut back the snow banks. My yard is a mess. Even some of the bird feeders came down in the wind. With the snow, ice, and mess already here, I don’t know if the snow blower can get through when this batch of snow comes in tonight.

Freyja won’t leave me alone. I’m not complaining. She has 33 days of kitty pats to make up for. She even came in the bathroom after I got out of the shower and dried my lower legs for me. ‘Course kitty fur stuck to wet skin doesn’t feel that great, but she means well. She loves me and I love her.

Chickadees and titmice have arrived. Yes, I did see them in the south, but they were all up in the trees. Now there’s a nuthatch. I think I’ll run out now and see if I can rescue the fallen feeders. I’ll have to wade through some snow if I can’t shovel it.

I have my work to do for the week and as I sat at the laptop trying to work on editing, someone decided I wasn’t paying enough attention to her. Next thing I know, a row of zeros are running across the page as one little kitty paw reaches out. “No, you cannot get on the keyboard, kitty.”

The grand adventure is over. It was an amazing journey and I suppose it will be days before the impact is processed. I have much to be thankful for and now that I’ve done this, I hope I will make the time and find the courage to travel again. I look forward to putting it all into a book and re-living the adventure again.

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