Friday, November 11, 2016

What Happened to “Proud to be an American?”

This morning I am saddened by the news I heard last night. I try to avoid news at all costs because it depresses me so much. Unfortunately, I caught a news clip when I turned on the TV last night and I can’t stop thinking about it. I keep hearing some woman’s voice screaming into the camera. What the HELL is the matter with people! I am appalled that this country is turning into a violent nation – or is this just all the media wants to throw at us.

This election had to be one of the worst ever for slander, mud-slinging, anger, hate, and now, now that it’s over, horrible violence and protesting the results. Is America turning into some kind of militant country where violence is becoming the ruling force?

Myself, I have hope for this country. This is MY country and I love it! 

The election, no matter what side of the fence you are on, is over. We have a president-elect. People VOTED and the person who won had the most votes. I don’t understand the protests and the violence is gut-wrenching. Is this an America to be proud of? And if the other side had won, would there have also been the protests and the violence?

All this violence is making me feel we are no better than other countries full of hatred and violence. This isn’t the America I know and love. And yes, I know there have always been problems. We are not perfect. 

But, we are a country built on freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a good thing when it’s for positive results. People have the right to protest and speak their minds. I understand that people get angry (and hurt), however, destruction and violence doesn’t solve anything. It creates heartache and despair and more anger.

One big thing we have to remember: It's not the words that come out of someone's mouth, but the actions of that person that matters. Look how many make pretty promises then don't live up to what they say? A person's actions and what he or she accomplishes for the good is what we should all focus on!

How can anyone respect these kinds of action? Violence is brutal with no logic or common sense. When people lose control and let their emotions erupt in anger and they in turn get others all riled up, the situation deteriorates. No one wins. Violent acts just make the protesters/perpetrators look like idiots. Why would anyone want to listen to someone who acts like that? I don’t get it. Violence is NOT the way! Violence will only beget more violence. 

I know people think violence is the way to get their voices heard, but often when people are overly angry, they don’t make sense when they talk. They don’t really get heard because those listening and watching can’t get beyond the horrible actions.

I’m not saying I agree with everything that went on during the elections. I truly believe the entire system needs to be revamped. I believe all the mud-slinging and slander during the elections brings everything to a boiling point and people lose sense of what’s really important. What is truly best for this country and for us, its people. 

I want to be proud to be an American! However, seeing these acts of violence makes me feel ashamed. Please, people, let’s work together. We need to be more courteous to those who don't share our views. It's OK to disagree. Let's build respect for all.  I have hope – we have to hold on to hope. 

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