Muse has me by the throat. She
is on top of my head with octopus-like arms wrapping around me head trying to
keep my focus on the writing. Her voice is a constant whisper in my ear about
what to write about, how I can make the next move with the books and how to write
better descriptions and developing the story-telling.
Coming up into Indianapolis on a storm-filled day |
continue making headway with the Wichita book (my third travel writing memoir
book). Talking about it helps me focus and gives me the drive to work through
the obstacles and self-doubts.
I figured out where I am with that first draft. I thought I was ready to do the
last chapter, chapter 16, but I didn't have any photos printed of chapters
14-16, and I discovered chapter 15 was never finished. Photos help me remember situations
and find words to describe the landscape and such. It still bothers me that
there are things I have no words for -- descriptions of architecture, even
things in landscape like land formations, types of rocks, etc. I’m always
amazed and fascinated that things in the next state or states can be so
morning I was wondering if I should spend time on a Writers Helping Writers FB
page. They talk about everything and anything to do with writing. I've not paid
that much attention because how and what I write is not usually discussed. But
maybe if I ask, there are people on there who write travel memoirs.
Self-doubt soars when I'm floundering. I need some feedback as to what and how I'm writing. I need that push of encouragement and when others don't write the way I do ... It's not about being told what to do, it's more of a sharing of what we are working on. See, I can't even describe it. Hmmm, so how can I turn this "obstacle" into a learning experience to help me move forward?
I finished re-reading my last book “Too Cold for Alligators” (TCfA) last night. (I hope I can come up with such good titles for these next two books.) Anyway, I realized TCfA does have what it takes for a travel memoir, and the end IS very emotional, and I DID talk about what I learned and all. From what I can tell, it falls in all the parameters of travel writing memoirs. Yes, there are mistakes and repetitions, and I would love to rewrite it ... but as that's already been published, I should move on.
question I have is: Is it wrong to talk about the previous book in the next
book? A friend who read the first part of the second book (I still haven’t come
up with a title yet), because I went to some of the same places I did in the
first. But I don't see why I can't talk about those places again. After all,
I'm not saying exactly the same thing. The circumstances are different, my mind
frame is different. Why can't I be saying, "The last time I was here, the
beautiful camellias were in bloom and this year, although
I'm traveling the same time of year, they've already turned brown and dropped to the ground.
Still, this place is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. I love
the ..." Plus, I also went to other places so it's not all exactly the
in a different place mentally and physically now. The reason/excuse for travel
has its differences. Yes, there are some similarities and I’m still dealing
with traveling alone, learning to recognize what I want and to speak up.
Similar, yet still different. I meet different people, circumstances are different.
And it’s sharing – the amazing aspects of life and what’s around me and
overcoming the obstacles and challenges that get in the way.
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