Saturday, February 21, 2015

Catching up from the Trip

Another brutally frigid morning with below zero temperatures and more snow predicted for later today through to tomorrow. I’ve only been back 10 days and I’m tired of this weather. I’m still in recovery mode from the trip and feeling overwhelmed with everything I want to do. I’m beginning to think overwhelmed is a constant state of mind for me.  

I started working on the new book, thinking I’ll call it “Not Too Cold for Alligators” to tie it into the 2013 trip as there were similar aspects with this one. Plus, I did see more alligators on this trip. Photos are slowly being edited and that’s one of the bigger issues and it drives me crazy. 

For the most part, books are either picture books or story books (novels). Yes, some pictures and images can be added to the latter, but printers/publishers frown at combining pictures with a lot of text. The printed version ends up unaffordable. Still, I am pushing. The technology that is available should allow more pictures with story. 

I never did manage to pull together a full picture book of the 2013 trip and wonder now if I should combine those photos with the current ones. There are many very good pictures that haven’t been shown. I work hard to get these photos and if they can’t be shared, what is the purpose? 

As a photographer and a writer, it is important to me to use both photos and the written word. I figure if I talk about it enough, a solution will come my way on how to resolve the issue. How can I tell my story with the written word and pictures and have the book be affordable? 

Of course, the book isn’t the only thing on my mind. I’m trying to update all my spreadsheets to properly track expenses, art inventories, sales, etc. Each year improvements are made; as my art evolves so must the record keeping. There are lots of ideas and desire to do new drawings and paintings, too. And I still have those unfinished works on the easels.  

There are bills to pay, house to maintain, and the freelance job with the InterTown Record. That means editing, putting together the community calendar, writing and arranging the weekly column, and any extra stories or interviews that come my way. 

I have to continue downsizing and it’s imperative I find a smaller house. Time management has never been my forte. But I’ll keep trying. 

Enjoy your day. Stay warm and safe.

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