Poems come to me when I’m out and about. I always carry a notebook and pens, as I’ve said often. I write when I’m walking. Words flow when I’m driving, but I won’t stop then and usually I forget by the time I reach my destination. I tried doing the recorder while driving. It doesn’t work for me.
This is how my philosophy about the muse came about. When She (the words) come, I have to pay attention in that instant. If I don’t, She goes away. She demands immediate attention. When She gives attention to you, you’d better take the time to listen to her. Thankfully She doesn’t hold a grudge and will come back another time.
The notebook comes out when I’m in a restaurant waiting for a meal. Different atmospheres will sometimes evoke different feelings. Of course the current state of mind plays a role in what I write, too. Whatever comes out, I’m always amazed and pleased.
I knew a woman once who used to write these amazing, funny poems about food. My food poems tend to be how I try to use food to make me feel better when I’m down… and how it doesn’t work, ha ha. As much as I love certain foods and food can certainly be cheerful, it doesn’t help solve problems.
I wrote this poem in April of 2009 at my favorite restaurant, the Flying Goose Pub in New London. (I always like the words in the first two lines and have used them before and since). By this time, my mother’s health was really going downhill and it was hard to be away from her and I never knew what I’d find coming home. Would she be okay? Would she be miserable and awful to me because I’d been gone so long? (I’d usually try to bring her home something to eat to appease her.)
Don’t get me wrong. I loved her so very much! But it was hard. She’d try to be understanding when I went off. Sometimes when I got home, she’d be excited to hear about my adventures. Other times she’d be very angry and upset with me because I’d left her alone. So, I never knew which mom I’d come home to. I understood, too. It was hard for her.
Emotions Unreleased
My heart bleeds tears
my eyes will not shed
the knot in my gut
will not allow release
It’s 1 p.m.
and I wonder
if eating anything
will help
Driving for two hours
did not erase
the sadness
in my soul
The solitude
did not bring the comfort
usually found
while out and about
Maybe the weather
affects my mood
Maybe if it was warm and sunny
my mood would be also.
Friendships can ebb and flow. Sometimes words can sever a relationship. Sometimes boundaries are crossed. Sometimes ties need to be severed. It doesn’t have to be forever, though at the time, emotions are strong and the ego screams, “Never again!”
After some time, these words came to me. I don’t normally include little snide comments that my conscious mind can throw in, but in this case, I kept the comment.
Below are two poems written about broken friendship. Words spoken can easily be misconstrued or the hurt can cause such a spiraling down that it can take a long time to recover from.
Friendship Betrayed
I thought by now
my heart would have healed
I thought by now
words would have lessened
the pain
But still I fear
What trust I had
has long gone
When will it return?
will I ever get it back?
(Maybe not where you’re concerned)
(originally written 04/23/09; edited and titled 09/26/15 – SW)
Did You Know
The chill in the air
matches that in my heart
Did you know your words
would cut my very soul?
Did you know I’d retreat
into a dark, damp abyss?
Did you know I would give up
everything I was building for myself?
You did not call
nor did I call you
Neither willing
to apologize
neither willing
to acknowledge wrong
I cannot face the distance
in your voice
nor the accusation
in your eyes
My loneliness
eats at my joy
I will never
be the same
For now I will be alone
you cannot accept me
as I am
and I can’t be anything else
Did you know your words
caused me to change my entire life direction?
(originally written 04/23/09; edited 09/26/15 – SW)
I’ve not talked much about this happening. I’ve not said what really happened to me or how I totally turned from a path I worked towards for many years. But I turned my back on all the training and the practices and focused on being only an artist and writer. I’ve never told anyone how it affected me; never said how I’m still affected.
I forgive other and self. Five years later I am happy to say the friendship rekindled. There are still scars. Someday I may talk about it fully. Not to place blame or find fault for there are at least two sides to every story. I played a part and I’m not blameless.
I would have been a great soul healer. It’s still in me. But the other path was chosen and I don’t have regrets. I love being an artist and writer!