Monday, January 4, 2016

A Shift in Perspective

Yesterday’s trip to Exeter went well and photographs were dropped of the NHSPA’s 17th Annual Photographic Exhibit at the Exeter Town Hall. My feelings around my photography are changing. I’m not even sure what that means yet, but something within me has shifted.

Last year was the year of letting go as I let go my home and moved to a smaller place. I let go of many, many possessions because I no longer have room to store stuff. And by year’s end, I was letting go of previous concepts regarding family and emotions.

This year, 2016, is a year of possibilities – and the possibilities are endless. I have a couple of concrete goals at the moment, but for the most part, I am feeling wide open. There’s a part of me screaming, “What does this mean?” Then a quieter part of my mind is feeling the excitement of what can be. I don’t have to know ahead of time. Hey, with possibility, it can be very much in the moment. 

I realized, as I was getting the pictures ready to bring to the show that photography, my photography, is changing. The subjects I liked shooting in the past no longer mean as much, and yet, even as I say this, I know I will continue taking pictures of them. But something has shifted in my consciousness. 

Maybe it’s how I will actually view the scene when I stop to take the photograph. How I see things through the camera won’t be the same as in the past. Of course, I’m not even sure what this means as I’m writing this. It’s just something I’m feeling – and I’ve been feeling for a few months.

I am thinking (yeah, I think too much) about how much I love the traveling. I want to balance that with staying at home for long periods while I write the books and edit the photos. There are these ideas niggling at the back of my mind, but haven’t become concrete plans or goals.

I feel I’m standing in front of a blank canvas. The paint brush is in my hand and I’m just staring at the blankness waiting for a clear picture to come to mind. I don’t even know what colors to put on the palette yet. Ahhh, this moment… waiting for possibility…

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