Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Marketing your work can be a struggle

Nobody ever comments on my blogs. I keep reading how blogging is an important aspect these days for marketing your work. I read a piece yesterday talking about marketing and that you should pay the extra money to boost your work. I can’t help but wonder how anyone can afford to do all the extra promotions. I certainly can’t afford to keep forking over money. If I had more consistent sales then maybe more could be spent.

Then there are all the groups and places for membership to “get your name out there.” These are all good organizations to help the writer and artist, but $25 here, $35 there, and $50, $75… it adds up quickly. I’m looking at this coming year and need to figure out where to spend my money wisely. How many artists groups should one belong to? How many area Chambers of Commerce should be joined? And most everything joined means attending meetings which takes up time.

However, the networking is beneficial and it’s just as important to hobnob with those in other lines of business or genres. The community support and the Support Local campaigns help us all to build a strong community. Internet social networking is great, but it’s necessary, too, to get out and make physical contact with others.

A lot of artists struggle with the marketing aspect. Most of us just want to do our work. The world has changed and technology has made some things easier. There are many writers, artists, photographers out there these days and the competition is tough. Still, it’s a great community and most everyone is wonderful about exchanging ideas and techniques. Some are very successful with sales, others not so. I don’t believe it’s because one person is a much better artist. A lot of factors come into play.  

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