Friday, January 18, 2013

Choosing a Title

How can I choose a title when there are so many words to describe this journey? How can only a few words be chosen when I find it difficult to sort all my emotions?

I want readers to understand. I want to convey the conflicts that jumble around inside and cause my brain to overload. I want people to know that although I have traveled before, this time it will be so different, this time will take much courage, that this time at the coming home, my mother will not be waiting. Who am I at the leaving and who will I be when I return?

There is much excitement anticipated. Imagine seeing places you’ve only read about in history books or seen on the news. Imagine visiting places where history was made. Imagine experiencing a culture so different from your own and yet, only a few states away.

The chance to travel alone is intriguing and scary. I don’t go into this thinking that anything will go wrong, but for a person who fears cities, crowds, and heavy traffic, the journey is about courage. Yes, I have traveled alone before, but this time, there is no time limit, no real set destination, and nothing booked ahead of time. I am heading out when I am ready and will return home when I am ready.

This is also about the unknown. Who knows where I’ll be next week. I am excited to get on the road, but I also know that I will be scared to death when I get near a city. I’ll be among strangers. That mixture of wondrous adventure and fear is fascinating and nerve wracking.

So, how do I put all this in a title? First thoughts are things like: Thirty Days on the Road or Thirty Days from Home.

But what about a subtitle? How do I convey journey, courage, adventure?
How does One Woman’s Solitary Journey and Courageous Adventure sound? It’s courageous to me, but for many, it’s not. There are certainly many who have gone through harder situations than I.

As always, the words go ‘round.  

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