Monday, October 10, 2016

On Writing – About the Recent Trip

Once again I’m torn with my writing. My goal is to not only tell of my experiences, but to bring readers on the journey with me. And yes, I’ve said this before, but sometimes, things need repeating to bring out further nuances – not just for the reader, but for myself. It helps my understanding and self-growth.

I don’t want to sugar-coat my stories. Life isn’t like that no matter how positive I try to stay and that’s how I write. I write about life situations, the not-so-good along with the good. I want to give readers the total experience with the hopes that somehow the way I deal with a situation may later help them with something of their own (whether they agree with what I did or not). 

A journey is not just about the excitement of seeing new sites and experiencing different situations. It’s also dealing with disappointments, frustrations, and fears. It’s putting up with hours of tedious, boring driving. It’s coping with weather situations and traffic and construction. It’s being in unknown places, surrounded by strangers and conditions that may awkward. It’s getting lost and not knowing where exactly to go. It’s being out on the road alone without family and friends; in other words, no support. It’s being lonely and homesick.

I had some amazing experiences on the Wichita trip and while it might seem like the not-so-good outweighed the good, the overall experience was wonderful and I would do it again and again. The joy at finding unusual places or even experience well-known places lifts the spirit. Seeing the beautiful countryside and noticing differences in terrain that’s unlike the everyday normal routines of back home is inspiring. Going through a scary, stressful situation and coming out safe is a reason to celebrate.

I not only learned about another section of our wonderful country, but I learned more about myself. Sometimes I can’t believe that I dared to do it… especially in those situations where I was so scared. Yes, I do want to travel more and I want to take readers with me.

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