Monday, February 25, 2019

Planning a New Pastel Painting

I haven’t set up the easel board for this painting, yet, although I had chosen the photo a couple weeks ago. I printed an original and one lightened to better see detail, and, for once, I already have a title, "Martha's Sunset." It has a nice ring and I received permission to use the photo from Martha von Redlich. (Thank you, Martha.) 

Martha's original photo
Last night, while watching TV, I  attempted at a thumbnail sketch. (I don’t know why they call them thumbnails because to do something that small, wouldn’t show anything.) I have to draw a at least about a 4 x 6-inch size.

Because this is a sunset picture, there are a lot of darks. While sketching, I couldn’t make out a dark blob on the left edge. It didn’t seem like a natural shape. So, just now, I went to PhotoScape and cropped the lightened photo. One, I wanted to see what that blob is, and two, I wanted to change the orientation/perspective.

cropped to better see horizon detail

I discovered that blob was something atop the post in the foreground. I cropped out most of the driveway because it’s messy and I want to focus on the sky. Cropping also took out that foreground post that messes with the background. However, it also took out the tree on the far left which I’ll want to add back in.

how much sky to show vs the landscape
I printed the two cropped versions of the photo and made notes. There’s something about cropping that changes perspectives and allows me to notice other details. I’m now not only intrigued by the amazing sunset sky, but I’m fascinated by the curve of the fence line versus the curve of the driveway.

This will be another painting where artistic license will play a big part as I'll use all three of these photos to create a stunning pastel painting. I can’t wait to get started, but first I’ll have to finish reorganizing all the pastel trays.

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